Wednesday, May 14, 2008

There is always work to do

Sprung spring, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I've passed this alley a couple of times on my new route to work and said to myself "I need to take a photo of that alley". I love seeing brick pathways, although I feel like it's slightly a cliche to photograph brick "things". What I mean by that is brick walls and pathways have become the new "thing" to get your photo taken by (or to have a photo of it in your folio). So it made me shy away from photographing at first (at least).

This morning when I passed it, I really liked the way the spring buds on the trees came through in the water reflection. So I stopped, walked over into the alley, and hid myself while I photographed this little scene. I'm very excited about spring and my new apartment. I have a great place to go and listen/watch spring storms (my balcony) so I felt the need to photograph this pathway.

(Why I hid myself in the alley?)I have to quit being so afraid to pull my camera out, and be seen taking photos. The main reason I don't like people to see me with my camera is because many people change (look directly at the camera and smile) when a camera is around (and I despise this). Also I don't give myself enough credit for the photos that I take, so I don't like people to see me shoot because they will ask me about the photos later.

I went a little off topic here. But it's a glance into the workings of my brain. Please enjoy.


Anonymous said...

this is really interesting. you are getting better and better.

Conduit Press said...

I would Love Love Love a print of this. I have a thing for trees;)