Wednesday, August 27, 2008


DSC_0203, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

In light of all of my cameras being stolen today and just finishing up editing my photo's from last weekend's photo walk. Here is my photo for the day (or I should for the while that I haven't posted).

Maybe now instead of taking photos, I'll finally edit all the ones I've taken so far.

Please enjoy.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


yell, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

This may not be a photo that I have taken, but it is something I semi created. I can't get the people in my office to move their body to the right (you don't even have to step away from the sink) and place the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. So hopefully this will encourage them to help me out. We'll see....

Sorry there hasn't been more lately. Been trying to implement wii fit into my routine with Noodle. So far we have been doing it, but I am exhausted after. Hopefully soon I will have more for you.

Friday, August 8, 2008

finally friday

Daisy, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I would say this photo is really for my mom. She loves flowers/daisys so I had to stop on my way home from work and grab a photo of them. This is with our new Canon point and shoot. (I broke my mom's camera during a bachelorette party so she had my point and shoot.. I was going to Lollapalooza and wanted/needed a camera to take with me because you cannot take DSLR's {or so I thought. There were a million people with them} so I bought a new point and shoot). I would say that it does a pretty stinkin good job takin some photos.

My goal is to post some of the pix that I have been working on recently. So hopefully you will get to enjoy them soon:)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


IMG_0083, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

This was where/how I spent my afternoon lunch hour. I apparently had the camera set to take photos on the small setting.. so the image is quite small. But you can still see how nice it was outside. Which was really my main goal.

*The camera that I was using was new, and I had apparently changed a setting when I thought that I was changing a different setting. What can you do but work with what you end up with.*