While the snow keeps falling, I have to find ways to keep myself from hating it. This is just a fun little photo I took from my camera phone, while on my way to work last Friday. I did edit it in PS3 to give it the aged look. I am quite impressed with the fact that I was able to take such a decent photo with my cameraphone!
I too am impressed by the quality of picture on your camera. Dang girl;)
Are you referring to the same 'aged' effect in PS3 as we spoke about before in Lightroom or are you doing something different? Just curious. I always like your edits, but I so hate spending more time on the computer editing;)
I'm jealous you have snow. We have ice. It sucks.
Yea, it is the same aged effect, just toned down a bit. I found out the settings (if you're interested) in CameraRaw (CS3) for the aged effect
Temp.- 12,500
Tint- +35
Exposure- +75 (a lot of times this is too bright, so adjust to whatever you need)
Black- +11
Brightness- +57
Saturation- -71
Tone Curve (adjust the point curve)- to Linear
Vignette- -100
I completely understand (about spending more time editing), but since I've gotten used to CameraRaw and Lightroom, my editing time has really gone down. Both of those programs make it really quick and easy to go back and adjust any of those settings at anytime (b/c they save it as metadata which can be changed anytime). I quite like it.. Now I don't mind doing small edits (like the above effect) b/c I have them saved as presets that take me 2 seconds to implement:)
And you wouldn't be jealous of the snow if you had to shovel in front of your office every other day that it snowed;-)
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