Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Photo editing

DSC_0022, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I wish I could edit photos all day long:)

The photos of the baby that I have been uploading are from this tummy.

I am not in love with this photo, but I am beginning to really enjoy it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

busy times

DSC_0192, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I wish that I could say that I've been busy photographing which is why I have not been able to blog. This isn't completely untrue. I have been taking quite a few photos of whatever children seem to be near me. But most of my time has been spent at work (9 hours a day is a long day), getting ready for whatever many weekend plans I have, or sleeping.

It's been very difficult to get through all of the photos that I need to get through as well as do all that other stuff.

This photo is one of my favorite newborn photos that I was able to take of Keagan. I only had about 45 minutes to shoot his first set of pictures. Needless to say I was worried that i didn't get "the shot". I kept looking through them thinking, I could have done better. Once I put them through post I ended up realizing how well the photos turned out.

I have been noticing more and more, lately, that even when I don't think a shoot goes well the photos turn out much better than I think they did. If you would like to see more of the photos please visit the set here .

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bad Blogger

I have photos of 3 babies, one pregnant friend, and a bachelorette party.

This is what you get for today ~

Also during that bachelorette party, I broke the camera that took the above photo (which was graciously borrowed to me by my mother) as well as cracked the entire LCD screen on my phone. Generally when things like that happen to me I'm wasted. I was not.

I need to get through editing all of the above sets of photos by approximately July 18. When this happens I may actually be able to post;-)