This is from the same car ride/ same day as the photo below. As I've mentioned before, I'm obsessed with this pooch so when I saw him riding with his head out the window I had to grab the shot.
What a beautiful day. Stay warm Chicago. I'm begging you.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Eat my blog
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Home again
This weekend I took a little trip to Wisconsin. It's beautiful there. On my way home I noticed this awesome cloud, so I had to take a picture.
Also flickr+work=I hate lindsay
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It goes here!
I'm a little OCD I think. Who does this? Every night before I leave work, I have to stock all the soda and put away the dishes. I make sure that they are all lined up and easily accessible. Maybe that's my deal. I want everyone to be able to find everything. Who knows, but most offices don't get a refrigerator that looks like this.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Family weekend
I have wanted to post from this weekend, and just haven't had the photos with me to edit.
stupid flickr...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Lotsa Lines
In Chicago's Federal Plaza on Tuesday (during the summer) they hold a farmers market. On my way back from lunch I decided to take a little walk around.
I don't think I realized that you are able to see the Sears Tower from Federal plaza. It's quite a site to see. So I decided to get all three in one. The Flamingo sculpture, the farmers market tents, and the Sears Tower (all the way in the back). I think the red with the two little green trees just really pop here.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Woa Mondays
Finally I'm posting a photo from my new apartment. I have noticed a few times that at just the right time during the night (and if you stand in just the right spot) you can see the moonlight coming in through the stained glass window in our bathroom.
I didn't really do much to this photo. I just wanted to show off the stained glass for what it is. It is very pretty during the day, but I have always loved the way the moon changes things.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Dilated pupils
I went to the optometrist today. Working on a computer with dilated pupils is.. interesting? I have no idea. But I wanted to post today so here you are.
This was a flower from my company's party (the one that I was asked to photograph). There is another photo that I may post (only because I can't decide which one I really like), but I can't do it today (pupils, no likey). But I enjoy this one, so now you get to as well;-)
I've noticed that I either have a thing for yellow flowers, or I like to photograph yellow flowers.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
There is always work to do
I've passed this alley a couple of times on my new route to work and said to myself "I need to take a photo of that alley". I love seeing brick pathways, although I feel like it's slightly a cliche to photograph brick "things". What I mean by that is brick walls and pathways have become the new "thing" to get your photo taken by (or to have a photo of it in your folio). So it made me shy away from photographing at first (at least).
This morning when I passed it, I really liked the way the spring buds on the trees came through in the water reflection. So I stopped, walked over into the alley, and hid myself while I photographed this little scene. I'm very excited about spring and my new apartment. I have a great place to go and listen/watch spring storms (my balcony) so I felt the need to photograph this pathway.
(Why I hid myself in the alley?)I have to quit being so afraid to pull my camera out, and be seen taking photos. The main reason I don't like people to see me with my camera is because many people change (look directly at the camera and smile) when a camera is around (and I despise this). Also I don't give myself enough credit for the photos that I take, so I don't like people to see me shoot because they will ask me about the photos later.
I went a little off topic here. But it's a glance into the workings of my brain. Please enjoy.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Not my new apartment
I think I assumed that after I moved my first photo posted would be of my new apt. This is not my new apartment;-)
I was hired (at my present job) to photograph our company 5th anniversary party. I was thrilled to be asked, considering I have only been here a little over a month (and they were going to pay me). As soon as I realized these photos were not just going to be for friends of mine, I started to freak out a bit. I have never been able to take successful flash photographs, and I knew I was going to HAVE to for this event.
I began reading all things flash (besides strobist because I do not have an off camera flash system). I needed to know how to light appropriately with my on-camera flash. It's always been so frustrating to me that the photo looks flat, blown out, or some other form of ugliness. Finally I found this site where he gives a great over view on how to do on-camera flash lighting(fill lighting) while including ambient light.
Basically, it helped me understand what I was doing wrong. I think I was able to take some decent shots at the party. This is one of them. This was an orchid wall that was glued to the glass reception area. I like this photo mostly because you cannot really tell whether what you are looking at is a reflection or whether it is actually there.
~here you go T~ thanks! :)