Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Finally I did some editing

DSC_0327tif, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

Here are some photos from the Abney wedding. I was actually in the wedding party so I wasn't able to get any photos during the wedding (or many while we were getting ready), but here are a few that I was able to get.

To view the slideshow please go here.

Please enjoy:)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


DSC_0203, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

In light of all of my cameras being stolen today and just finishing up editing my photo's from last weekend's photo walk. Here is my photo for the day (or I should for the while that I haven't posted).

Maybe now instead of taking photos, I'll finally edit all the ones I've taken so far.

Please enjoy.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


yell, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

This may not be a photo that I have taken, but it is something I semi created. I can't get the people in my office to move their body to the right (you don't even have to step away from the sink) and place the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. So hopefully this will encourage them to help me out. We'll see....

Sorry there hasn't been more lately. Been trying to implement wii fit into my routine with Noodle. So far we have been doing it, but I am exhausted after. Hopefully soon I will have more for you.

Friday, August 8, 2008

finally friday

Daisy, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I would say this photo is really for my mom. She loves flowers/daisys so I had to stop on my way home from work and grab a photo of them. This is with our new Canon point and shoot. (I broke my mom's camera during a bachelorette party so she had my point and shoot.. I was going to Lollapalooza and wanted/needed a camera to take with me because you cannot take DSLR's {or so I thought. There were a million people with them} so I bought a new point and shoot). I would say that it does a pretty stinkin good job takin some photos.

My goal is to post some of the pix that I have been working on recently. So hopefully you will get to enjoy them soon:)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


IMG_0083, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

This was where/how I spent my afternoon lunch hour. I apparently had the camera set to take photos on the small setting.. so the image is quite small. But you can still see how nice it was outside. Which was really my main goal.

*The camera that I was using was new, and I had apparently changed a setting when I thought that I was changing a different setting. What can you do but work with what you end up with.*

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Photo editing

DSC_0022, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I wish I could edit photos all day long:)

The photos of the baby that I have been uploading are from this tummy.

I am not in love with this photo, but I am beginning to really enjoy it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

busy times

DSC_0192, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I wish that I could say that I've been busy photographing which is why I have not been able to blog. This isn't completely untrue. I have been taking quite a few photos of whatever children seem to be near me. But most of my time has been spent at work (9 hours a day is a long day), getting ready for whatever many weekend plans I have, or sleeping.

It's been very difficult to get through all of the photos that I need to get through as well as do all that other stuff.

This photo is one of my favorite newborn photos that I was able to take of Keagan. I only had about 45 minutes to shoot his first set of pictures. Needless to say I was worried that i didn't get "the shot". I kept looking through them thinking, I could have done better. Once I put them through post I ended up realizing how well the photos turned out.

I have been noticing more and more, lately, that even when I don't think a shoot goes well the photos turn out much better than I think they did. If you would like to see more of the photos please visit the set here http://www.flickr.com/photos/lilwilli/sets/72157606071341761/ .

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bad Blogger

I have photos of 3 babies, one pregnant friend, and a bachelorette party.

This is what you get for today ~

Also during that bachelorette party, I broke the camera that took the above photo (which was graciously borrowed to me by my mother) as well as cracked the entire LCD screen on my phone. Generally when things like that happen to me I'm wasted. I was not.

I need to get through editing all of the above sets of photos by approximately July 18. When this happens I may actually be able to post;-)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Bad blogger

Skyway, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I've been a bad blogger lately.. I apologize.

Things that have been preventing me...
1. dropped my camera and now the lens makes scary noises (although apparently I can still take photos)
2. my ipod has died (this makes me doubly sad and slightly depressed)
3. planning a bachelorette party is hard and takes a lot of time

So hopefully very soon I will get back in the swing of things.

Good news... This little guy was born tuesday night:) I'm very excited to be Aunt-ed (I know not a word. whatever) again! yay to babies!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Rain day

Firescape, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

It's raining today..

I need to take photos..

This is from about a month ago on my cameraphone. I was walking back from lunch and looked up to see this skyrise of fire escapes. It caught my attention.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Eat my blog

Bat Dog, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

This is from the same car ride/ same day as the photo below. As I've mentioned before, I'm obsessed with this pooch so when I saw him riding with his head out the window I had to grab the shot.

What a beautiful day. Stay warm Chicago. I'm begging you.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Home again

Drive home, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

This weekend I took a little trip to Wisconsin. It's beautiful there. On my way home I noticed this awesome cloud, so I had to take a picture.

Also flickr+work=I hate lindsay

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It goes here!

cans, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I'm a little OCD I think. Who does this? Every night before I leave work, I have to stock all the soda and put away the dishes. I make sure that they are all lined up and easily accessible. Maybe that's my deal. I want everyone to be able to find everything. Who knows, but most offices don't get a refrigerator that looks like this.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Family weekend

T, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I have wanted to post from this weekend, and just haven't had the photos with me to edit.


stupid flickr...

or stupid work connection. Either way, hopefully there will be a photo up for you viewing pleasure later this evening.. Sorry.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lotsa Lines

Sears Flamingo, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

In Chicago's Federal Plaza on Tuesday (during the summer) they hold a farmers market. On my way back from lunch I decided to take a little walk around.

I don't think I realized that you are able to see the Sears Tower from Federal plaza. It's quite a site to see. So I decided to get all three in one. The Flamingo sculpture, the farmers market tents, and the Sears Tower (all the way in the back). I think the red with the two little green trees just really pop here.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Woa Mondays

Moon Glass, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

Finally I'm posting a photo from my new apartment. I have noticed a few times that at just the right time during the night (and if you stand in just the right spot) you can see the moonlight coming in through the stained glass window in our bathroom.

I didn't really do much to this photo. I just wanted to show off the stained glass for what it is. It is very pretty during the day, but I have always loved the way the moon changes things.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dilated pupils

Orchid light, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I went to the optometrist today. Working on a computer with dilated pupils is.. interesting? I have no idea. But I wanted to post today so here you are.

This was a flower from my company's party (the one that I was asked to photograph). There is another photo that I may post (only because I can't decide which one I really like), but I can't do it today (pupils, no likey). But I enjoy this one, so now you get to as well;-)

I've noticed that I either have a thing for yellow flowers, or I like to photograph yellow flowers.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

There is always work to do

Sprung spring, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I've passed this alley a couple of times on my new route to work and said to myself "I need to take a photo of that alley". I love seeing brick pathways, although I feel like it's slightly a cliche to photograph brick "things". What I mean by that is brick walls and pathways have become the new "thing" to get your photo taken by (or to have a photo of it in your folio). So it made me shy away from photographing at first (at least).

This morning when I passed it, I really liked the way the spring buds on the trees came through in the water reflection. So I stopped, walked over into the alley, and hid myself while I photographed this little scene. I'm very excited about spring and my new apartment. I have a great place to go and listen/watch spring storms (my balcony) so I felt the need to photograph this pathway.

(Why I hid myself in the alley?)I have to quit being so afraid to pull my camera out, and be seen taking photos. The main reason I don't like people to see me with my camera is because many people change (look directly at the camera and smile) when a camera is around (and I despise this). Also I don't give myself enough credit for the photos that I take, so I don't like people to see me shoot because they will ask me about the photos later.

I went a little off topic here. But it's a glance into the workings of my brain. Please enjoy.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Not my new apartment

Reception, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I think I assumed that after I moved my first photo posted would be of my new apt. This is not my new apartment;-)

I was hired (at my present job) to photograph our company 5th anniversary party. I was thrilled to be asked, considering I have only been here a little over a month (and they were going to pay me). As soon as I realized these photos were not just going to be for friends of mine, I started to freak out a bit. I have never been able to take successful flash photographs, and I knew I was going to HAVE to for this event.

I began reading all things flash (besides strobist because I do not have an off camera flash system). I needed to know how to light appropriately with my on-camera flash. It's always been so frustrating to me that the photo looks flat, blown out, or some other form of ugliness. Finally I found this site http://planetneil.com/tangents/ where he gives a great over view on how to do on-camera flash lighting(fill lighting) while including ambient light.

Basically, it helped me understand what I was doing wrong. I think I was able to take some decent shots at the party. This is one of them. This was an orchid wall that was glued to the glass reception area. I like this photo mostly because you cannot really tell whether what you are looking at is a reflection or whether it is actually there.

~here you go T~ thanks! :)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

getting ready for my new apartment!

State moves to ban fake testicles on vehicles
By Michael Peltier

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Reuters) - Senate lawmakers in Florida have voted to ban the fake bull testicles that dangle from the trailer hitches of many trucks and cars throughout the state.

Republican Sen. Cary Baker, a gun shop owner from Eustis, Florida, called the adornments offensive and proposed the ban. Motorists would be fined $60 for displaying the novelty items, which are known by brand names like "Truck Nutz" and resemble the south end of a bull moving north.

The Florida Senate voted last week to add the measure to a broader transportation bill, but it is not included in the House version.

In a spirited debate laced with double entendre, Senate lawmakers questioned whether the state should curtail freedom of expression in vehicle accessories.

Critics of the ban included the Senate Rules Chairman, Sen. Jim King, a Jacksonville Republican whose truck sported a pair until his wife protested.

The bill's sponsor doubted it would succeed.

"It's probably not going to make it through the process," Baker said on Thursday. "It won't be much of story in a few days."

***I'm moving, and there's a party at work... I've been busy and I'm sorry for not posting a "real" post. These things ^ have made me crazy for about 2 years. Anytime I've seen someone with it, I can't quite believe it. Gross. Hope you enjoy;-)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Summah in the Citeh

Lunch in the city, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

Woo! I figured out my favorite thing about working downtown...

I can walk to the park on my lunch break, spend the whole 60 minutes outside in the sun reading.. It changed my whole day:)

I believe I will be taking more photos!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I realized today that I no longer have summer break

Purple Hallway, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I was supposed to work on another one of those sunset photos, but I forgot the file. This is in the bottom of my office building. The metal paneling always looks pretty cool (you would be able to tell more if I had taken it with an actual camera, seriously I have to stop the camerphone from taking over).

Anyhooo.. I know it's a little more PSed than I usually do, but I think it made the photo a little more interesting. Feel free to disagree:)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Cinnamon rolls and Brownies for breakfast

Semi, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I saw this semi passing me and thought it was amazing how the sunlight was hitting the side of his truck. No worries, I just stuck my camera at the window and shot it (I was not looking through the view finder, and I consider this much less dangerous than READING while driving).

There may be quite a few sunset photos in the next few days.. This was the first time I've seen a sunset in quite a few months (I hate winter) so I couldn't stop taking photos.

As always, looking for crit:) Enjoy!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Saturday mornings are my favorite

Last saturday this is what I woke up to.. G touching my nose and my mouth. I open my eyes and smile, even though it's 7am. How can you possibly be mad at this? I had to get a photo, but I didn't want her to stop being just how she was. I grabbed my cameraphone (yes, again I know) and she went to grab it just like she had been touching my face.

Forgive me for the poor quality, but I had to share this adorable photo. She is so precious:)

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Too long in between

Sunlight ride, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

Really, I have to get this under control.

Really, I want to post. Unfortunately life is in my way right now.

This was on my way home from work the other day.. I was taking this as a JPEG submission until I realized my cell phone does not take big enough photos to submit. Either way I thought this was/ is kind of a fun little photo. Nothing to interesting.. Just sorta like the composition(?)

Dunno, but here is something at least:)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The sun can shine...

Dogs life, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

Buddy had surgery again. He hates it when he only gets walked in the courtyard, it makes him very sad.

I took this with my cameraphone. I really agree with the statement (that I read somewhere, but can no longer remember where) that it's not about the camera, it's about the person with the camera.

I've got to keep posting. The weather is finally getting beautiful and I'm about to move. My posting may be sporadic, but I'm determined.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

again with the snow

more SNOW, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

It's not snowing today (thank god) but this was only two weeks ago.. Yes, that's right the END of MARCH! I couldn't believe it..

It's been awhile.. I have about 5 more I want to post. Here's one at least.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's snowing again

Night light, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

for tonight

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I'm sorry I've missed a few days. I have had to say goodbye to one job and hello to another. This is the last photo that I took there. The sun was gorgeous that day (lucky me) and I happened to notice this out of the corner of my eye.

I may not be posting as early as I was, but I will still be posting.

Thanks for reading (and watching)!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Make up for yesterday

ME, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I did not create the background.. Here's another photo for not doing one yesterday.

Oh how I wish...

Sleepy Weekend, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

Sometimes I wish I were a pet, so that I could sleep all day and just wander aimlessly. But I'm not, so I have to figure out how to capture that... carefree-ness(?)

Here is dear ol' Buddy sleeping his weekend away. I think I will be forever obsessed with this pooch:)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


wicker, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

Oh my... to play w/ PS or not... It's fun sometimes.

I wanted to emphasize the texture of this. I don't know whether or not this is the way I want to do it, but I thought it looked interesting enough. The full-size version of this really shows all of the detail.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Down, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I needed to do some relaxing this weekend, because my life has been a little crazy..

This is a glass of wine, on a striped coaster, on a glass table that has a metal grid below it. I thought the pattern was eye catching and I loved how the coaster looked swirled under the glass of wine. It made me smile:)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sunlight, yes!

Soak, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I feel a little weird about posting photos of myself two days in a row, but I don't really have a lot of time to ask people to model for me and today the sun is out while I'm at work.

Today I just really wanted to incorporate the sun in a photo because it's been a dark, dreary, terribly cold winter and I want to remember the sun. It's finally starting to show up more often so I'm going to take it while I can.

This was a color photo that I turned B&W then added a little split toning to.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Play, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I wish I had something interesting to say today...

Here's a photo either way.

I think I'm proud that I'm still getting photos up.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Brushya, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

Lame title post I know. I have been helping my company out with photographing some things, this is one of the things they needed me to photograph.

I've been having quite a bit of trouble trying to get my colors to be just right online. I haven't mastered it. The colors aren't terrible in this photo, but in the original there is a little more red in the bristles. Either way I thinks it's a semi-decent photo.

Any suggestions on fixing photo colors for web would be amazing:)


Monday, March 3, 2008


Auggs, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I love photographing animals (at least when they stay still). I was doing some photos for work, and my boss's dog looked so perfect in this room. I got her to sit still for a couple of photos.

I think this one really shows off her personality. She's always very excited to see people, but a little hesitant. She's great to have around the office too (something to keep you entertained:) ).

Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Friday!

Away, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

I just kind of like this photo. It wasn't how I planned at all, but the texture in the carpet turned out to be much more interesting than a silhouette of me.. Happy accident:)

CC please!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Desk Stimuli

Stimuli, originally uploaded by lilwilli.

Welcome to my desk.

Thank you for taking eyes off of me:)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rants for your late night evening pleasure

1)Winter I hate you. I'm sick of you. I can barely handle taking photos of you anymore. Please go away. Please, please, please stop being here already. I really don't think I can that I can play with you anymore.
... We need to break up.

2)I don't know how many of you live in the city.. or even care to live in a city. But if you visit, and happen to ride a bus (in any city).. and you happen to find yourself sitting next to someone, you don't particularly know.. and it's rush hour (so everyone is glad to finally be off work).. and people are exiting the bus.. and the bus has multiple open seats-- consider changing seats. I am one of those people that sit there, wishing and praying, that the person next to me would move. Please let me spread out. Please let me relax for the evening. Why crowd me? I cannot understand why you, yourself, would not want to spread out?!

3) It was funky hat day and no one told me.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Here's to editing

I have meant to work on these images for a very long time. I have finally gotten around to them. I wish for two things:
1) I get better at editing photos more quickly.
2) I get better at editing.

I feel like I keep doing the same things to all of my photos. I feel like I need to be... more inventive? Maybe I'm wrong.. Here's B&W for now:)

Let me know what you think:)

Friday, February 22, 2008

blog stalk

I'm sick and tired today.. so i decided to do this today. I found it online somewhere (i can't even remember where, but i have all the links).

here The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

here The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

here The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

photo by Kristamas°

This is what happens when I blog stalk people.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Venician Door

I took this photo in 2004 when I studied abroad. There are a handful of photos that I took while I was there that I still love looking back at. This happens to be on of them. I love the texture of the paint peeling off the doors.

We spent the weekend in Venice and the entire time we were there it was rainy and cold. About 4 hours before we were set to leave on the train, the sun came out. Some of my favorite photos were taken during that 4 hour window.

I'm still working on getting myself to take photos everyday (or more than once a week). Enjoy:)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chicago Bean

After living in Chicago almost 9 mo. I finally made it to Millennium Park to capture The Bean.

I kept getting frustrated because I really felt like I couldn't get a new interesting perspective on this thing. I tried to shoot high, low, and all around. Finally I decided to focus on all the tourists. I don't know the people in this photo, nor did I ask permission to photograph them. I decided on this photo because it shows why people like to visit it. They want to see it, and they want to take their picture in the reflection. I thought the snow on the ground made an interesting mix as well as how the Bean fades into the sky. It is quite an interesting sight, to see all these people milling around this funky shaped thing. I think it's definitely a sight to see while visiting the city (as long as its not -25 outside).

CC always welcome:)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sunlight and Escalators

Let there be light! Finally the sun has decided to shine for more than 20 minutes. Here is just a quick little shot I caught of Buddy while I was walking him on Saturday. I'm extremely happy that I am able to grab shots with my cameraphone and actually be semi-satisfied with them!

Yesterday I decided to check out the Rock N Roll McDonalds here in Chicago. Don't let the name fool you. No matter how cool somethings sound, sometimes they just aren't. I did find a nifty escalator to catch my fancy. I always think that it's bizarre when companies try to make things look cooler than they really are. I guess enjoy them for what they are:)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

HDR Valentine

Today I have been through quite a few frustrations in my first attempt to create an HDR photo. I've seen some really amazing HDR photos online, and thought it would be interesting to try it out myself since I have the technology available. As always I got to excited, opened too many things, and ended up having PS freeze and shut down saving none of the work I had spent most of the day learning.

After finally restarting the computer and the program I had to redo most of the work I had already done. In a general sense, this is good because I get more practice trying to make the new information stick. But it was still frustrating. Once I was finished I was ready to upload and blog.

Here is where things got really frustrating. After spending so much time just getting the files to work properly I upload my photo ready to blog. Now blogspot has a deal with picasa, and considering the fact that I already use picasa web albums, this was a happy revelation for me (no more new photos sites to log into and remember username/password for!). Tada photo... look, look, look.. WHAT! I work so hard on the definition in an HDR image and picasa is going to compress my already compressed photo! You have got to be joking me. The above image is from my flickr account. The image below is from my picasa account. Now I am being a bit OCD about the definition in this pretty unexciting picture. But I worked very hard to make that wrapper actually look like a wrapper, instead of blown out flat plastic. So I believe I have every right to rant about it.

So now I will apologize because I may be going back and forth between my flickr account and my picasa account while posting photos in this blog (until I figure out some other alternative). Here is my photo for today. It really isn't exciting, except for the fact that it is probably the most detailed picture I've been able to come out with in a long time. Feel free to leave any comments. I know that it isn't anything fantastic, but it was fun to learn the technique:) Enjoy and Happy Valentines day!